The Product


Reasons for choosing SALVALACQUA

Savings, convenience, safety and an ecological choice


How It Works

Closed-circuit, closed-vessel cooling system


How to Choose

Depending on the characteristics of your venue and the needs of your business


The Pluses

Manual bypass as standard and automatic bypass

The Models


SLQ V and SLQ T economizers

With outdoor chiller


KUBE V and KUBE T economizers

With indoor chiller


Economizers COMPAT

For small spaces



Design support

We help you to choose the right economizer most suitable for your needs



For information or technical assistance



Download our brochure with all useful information

Privacy Policy

For the purposes and for the effects of the art.13 of d.lg. June 30, 2003, No. 196 (Personal Data Protection Code) and in relation to the personal data we intend to treat, we inform you of the following. The treatment to which the personal data required or acquired will be subjected exclusively to BRX srl’s activity. The processing will also be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means and may consist of any operation or complex of operations referred to in art. Legislative Decree 196/2003. The provision of personal data, although optional, is essential in pursuit of the purpose and delivery of the services BRX srl offers to its customers. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties. Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 grants the person concerned the exercise of specific rights, including in particular: – obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form; the indication of their origin, the purposes and the methods of their treatment; the indication of the applied logic, the identification details of the holder, the manager and the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as a manager or manager; the updating, rectification and integration of data, their deletion, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law; the attestation that such transactions were brought to the knowledge of any subjects to whom the data had been communicated; You agree to the processing of your personal data in the presence of justified reasons, or if they are used for advertising, direct marketing or market surveys. You are asked to make a commitment to personally communicate any changes to your data. Owner and responsible for data processing is BRX srl with registered office in Via Luciano Lama 38/1 Montelabbate – PU _ Italy.


With this page, we would inform you briefly about cookie, as required by law.

What they are

Cookie are small text files generated by the websites you visit, saved on your computer, usually into the browser. Cookie cannot acquire any data from the user’s hard disk, nor transmit computer virus or malicious file. The majority of browsers allow the cookies management through preference options. I cookie non possono acquisire nessun dato dal disco fisso dell’utente, né trasmettere virus informatici o file malevoli. La maggior parte dei browser permette la gestione dei cookies attraverso le opzioni di preferenza.

What are they for

They are used to improve website efficiency, they allow to understand better the generated traffic, as the more visited pages or remember the users’ preferences, as language, places etc.

How to use them

Law allows utilizing cookie on your device if they are necessary for the website good functioning. For other cookie type permission is required. Information are useful for statistical purposes and marketing, to personalize contents or announces, to supply functionalities to social media and to analyse the traffic.

It is possible that information about website use are shared with authorized partners and analyse web data, advertising and social media, as web agency supporting company, with other possible information provided or received by their services use.

How manage them

User can manage the cookie preferences from his browser; it is possible, for example, prevent third parties cookie installation, delete cookie previously installed or disable cookie use. Disabling cookie could compromise the use of website functionality.

Summary of cookies types

Technical cookies, installed directly from the website visited

1_ session _ necessary for normal website use.

2_ statistics _ to collect information about how to visit the website.

3_ functional _ facilitate navigation, memorizing some selections, as the language.

Other cookies, installed from third parties

4_ third parties _ installed from a subject external to the website owner

5_ profiling _ they create anonymous profiles, not allowing to trace back the user’s identity, to send advertising congruent with the interests expressed during the navigation

6_ social network _ to share website contents with other users, activating the functions “like” or “follow”, allowing to Social Network to identify users and collect information even during the navigation on other website.

Cookies on _

Necessary Cookies

HTTPCookie typology

viewed_cookie_policy: _ expiry 1 year

to memorize the user’s selection about cookie policy use

pll_language: _ expiry 1 year

to memorize the language selected by user

Statistical Cookies

HTTPCookie typology

_ga: _ expiry 2 years *

to produce statistical data about the visit, creating a univocal ID

_gid: _ expiry 24 hours *

to produce statistical data about the visit, creating a univocal ID

_gat: _ expiry 1 minute *

used by Google Analytics to restrict the requests frequency

* Updated each send to Google Analytics

Profiling Cookies

_not present or used on this website.

Social Network Cookies

_not present or used on this website.

Useful Links

> Garante privacy
> Wikipedia

> Google Chrome
> Mozilla Firefox
> Microsoft Edge
> Microsoft Internet Explorer
> Apple Safari
> Apple Safari iOS
> Opera

Update March 2019